Don’t believe everything you think.

Think back to the most recent incident of when something or someone upset you. Relive the storyline in your head. For most of you, looking back on that incident probably brought up the same emotions you felt at the time it occurred. Now check into your body. How do these emotions manifest for you physically? … More Don’t believe everything you think.

A review of ‘The Chakra Book’ by Osho

The following is a book review by featured writer Wallis Back: Who is OSHO!? Indian guru, spiritual teacher, prolific author of over 600 books, OSHO has obtained an international following that has provided additional sources and channels to connect people worldwide on his philosophy and teachings. *all italicized quotes are directly from the book! http://www.osho.comMore A review of ‘The Chakra Book’ by Osho

Why it matters.

Before starting this page, I spent a lot of time trying to decide what would be the best way to introduce the readers of this blog to the topic of mindfulness and meditation. After endless amount of scribbling notes and rough drafts that tried to define, explain, and outline what mindfulness is I realized that … More Why it matters.